The Advantages

There are a lot of chairs out there that seem useful and easy to use in the shower. They’re all just chairs, right?

That statement couldn’t be more wrong.

Maybe you can manage to find a chair that’s solidly built and can withstand the wear and tear of your kids, but you more than likely won’t find one suitable for children younger than two years.

If you do manage to find one that’s suitable for the youngest of children, it definitely won’t last through a second child.

Most importantly, you will not find another waterproof chair on the market no matter how hard you look.

CharliChair is the only chair on the market designed for children from day one through the first two years that is also completely waterproof.


The CharliChair is the only bath time tool you’ll need for the entire time your children need a bath seat. It eliminates the need for anything else by offering parents the convenience.


The frame of the CharliChar is made of Zinc-treated steel. What does that mean in your shower or bath? It’s 100% waterproof. It won’t rust or erode and is there with you for the long haul.


Most of all, you save yourself. There’s no awkward squatting or bending over tubs and showers. Now you can stand as you normally would with your baby. It’s convenient for everyone – mum, dad and baby.